Translations of specialized magazine articles, sites, exhibition catalogues, manuals, university texts and publications by university researchers.
Translations of specialized magazine articles, sites, exhibition catalogues, manuals, university texts and publications by university researchers.
Casa Testori brought the great artist Marina Abramović back to Milan with an exciting installation. Her cycle “The Kitchen. Homage to Saint Therese” was presented in its entirety for the first time. The videos documented three performances held in 2009 in the kitchens of a Spanish convent. An itinerary concluding with a visit to the magnificent crypt of San Sepolcro, recently restored to its original splendour. Galactus Translations translated the exhibition catalogue into English.
Photo from Catalogue
Galactus Translations was commissioned to provide a complete translation of the site of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali G. Briccialdi di Terni, an AFAM [Higher Artistic and Musical Training] institute which can boast the collaboration of internationally celebrated musicians.
Galactus Translations has translated the strategies and projects of Universo Marvel as part of an imposing multi-franchise plan embracing the entire world of Super-Heroes, from the Avengers to Spiderman. These were mainly Power Point presentations on financial statistics, impact and visibility, cross-franchise projects, analysis of the competition and market analysis. A translation project that introduced us into the fantasy world of the cinema.
Photo by